
Thursday, 12 December 2013

Christmas coming up...

It seems all right today, so I shall carry on here for the time being. I've been scurrying  round this morning, if you can scurry, that is,  when hobbling with a stick! To the surgery for monthly blood tests first, then to my beloved little library (Alresford's staff are wonderful and I am to have a book signing there in the New Year) and on to search for a few more Christmas presents. We shall be going up to London this time - it's only the second time in over 50 years that we have spent away from home. Our youngest grandchild is in the National Theatre's production of 'Emil and the Detectives' which we will be seeing on Boxing Day. Her parents are both actors, and both she and her older sister  are  set on following in their footsteps.

Well now, today's other task is to get a hot cushion and get down to doing at least  a bit more on my work-in-progress,  my next-but-one book, before de-thawing myself in the kitchen whilst preparing something for supper.  We are going out this evening to a carol singing fund-raiser for the village church, which should be lovely.

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