Very thoughtfully, one of my daughters has bought me
a small, lightweight folding wheelchair, which means that we can get out and a
little more about than has been possible for a long while, and she took me for
a trial run to the beautiful gardens of RHS Wisley.
The forecast was for much colder, greyer weather than we have been having, so we wrapped up with jumpers, cardigans and coats, and, of course, the sun shone and it got warmer and warmer. By the end of our visit the little wheel chair and I were swathed with discarded woollies and coats and we had to stop every now and then to collect one or other which was trailing behind. The chair proved not that easy to push unless the ground was very even, but she has determination and stamina and, four-inch heels or not, tarmac, gravel, bark or chippings, my goodness, did she work hard shoving me up hill and down dale! It was really lovely – and quite a giggle, especially when, as a keen photographer but novice wheelchair-pusher, she darted off to take a picture here and there, forgetting to put on the brakes. Fortunately it only happened on gentle slopes, not precipices!
The forecast was for much colder, greyer weather than we have been having, so we wrapped up with jumpers, cardigans and coats, and, of course, the sun shone and it got warmer and warmer. By the end of our visit the little wheel chair and I were swathed with discarded woollies and coats and we had to stop every now and then to collect one or other which was trailing behind. The chair proved not that easy to push unless the ground was very even, but she has determination and stamina and, four-inch heels or not, tarmac, gravel, bark or chippings, my goodness, did she work hard shoving me up hill and down dale! It was really lovely – and quite a giggle, especially when, as a keen photographer but novice wheelchair-pusher, she darted off to take a picture here and there, forgetting to put on the brakes. Fortunately it only happened on gentle slopes, not precipices!
The orchards were just coming into bloom, the greenhouses were full of delicious scents, the ducks and geese were marshalling broods of tiny chicks - it was all lovely.
Over tea and sandwiches in one of the cafes, we somehow got round to working out that her father and I will have totalled up 150 years between us in a month or so. What have we learned in that time? I won't speak for him, but I often feel that I know less now than I did in my youth. I certainly know how much more there is that could be learned that I shall never know. Two things I am fairly sure about: -
Happiness is a choice.
Listen to the voice in your heart. It is your best advisor.
Over tea and sandwiches in one of the cafes, we somehow got round to working out that her father and I will have totalled up 150 years between us in a month or so. What have we learned in that time? I won't speak for him, but I often feel that I know less now than I did in my youth. I certainly know how much more there is that could be learned that I shall never know. Two things I am fairly sure about: -
Happiness is a choice.
Listen to the voice in your heart. It is your best advisor.