
Monday, 24 February 2014

Well, I'm at my first book signing and so I suppose 'Someday Maybe' is off the starting line, though so far no one has come near my table in the window.  The librarians have been extremely kind and have provided me with an excellent spot and a lovely cup of coffee, but there seem to be very few people in the library today. Half term, perhaps?  Most of those who are coming in are mums with small toddlers, looking for DVDs or going upstairs to hunt for picture books. Several passers by have stopped to study the poster in the window and the big 'A' Board advertising my event, but  then they have all - well, passed by - afterwards, up or down the street.

Oops! Look out! One of them is coming in. She looks like a nice lady and she is definitely coming over here. She has picked up a book. Quick. "Hello!"


Another woman is coming. We have lift-off! Hurray!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

More rain and plenty of distraction going on today. Much of the village is now pretty well underwater, though our cottage is still ok so far. The Navy have now blocked the river as it flows into Winchester where it has broken its banks. Means an increased back-up in the surrounding villages is more likely. Good oh!

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Well, we are still holding up floodwise, though some of the cottages in the village are pumping frantically and the roads and fields and gardens are awash.  Do hope to see you at my booksigning in Alresford Library on the morning of the 22nd if you are managing to keep dry too and you can make it!

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Sorry that I am quiet at the moment, but I have my head down working on my latest book.  My second one is due to come out in the Spring and I am hoping to follow it with with a sequel to 'Someday, Maybe'.  At the moment, other characters have started breaking their way in and I like them, so we shall have to see!